out.println("current page url: "+ currentURL); out.println("current page is DemoMode: "+ containsDemoMyPrime);
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PrimeMail® orders

Prescription history



NOTE: HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and state laws do not allow members to see the details about prescriptions for other adults and/or dependents over a certain age on the same policy. This age varies by state law. Information for dependents under this age may only be seen by the policy holder.

Order information is available for two years after the order was placed.

NOTE: HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and state laws do not allow members to see the details about prescriptions for other adults and/or dependents over a certain age on the same policy. This age varies by state law. Information for dependents under this age may only be seen by the policy holder.

Prescription information is available for up to two years. Prescription information is updated weekly.